
Driving Directions


Heading east on I-10:
Take 45 south. 按照I-45向南的指示走.

Heading west on I-10:
Take 59 south. 按照指示往南走59路.

Heading north on 59:
走288路和南摩尔出口. Turn left on Southmore. 经过道林街和白橡树街的路灯. 在Ennis左转(停车标志). 经过Blodgett灯. TSU is on the right.

Heading south on 59:
从I-45南出口换道驶出高速公路. 按照I-45向南的指示走.

Heading south on I-45:
Take the Scott St. exit. Turn right on Scott. 通过麦高文,埃尔金和霍尔曼的灯. 在Cleburne (Shipley's/Burger King)右转. TSU is on the left.

Heading north on I-45:
Take the Scott St. exit. Turn left on Scott. 通过麦高文,埃尔金和霍尔曼的灯. 在Cleburne (Shipley's/Burger King)右转. TSU is on the left.

Heading north on 288:
走南摩尔出口. 在Southmore右转. 经过道林街和白橡树街的路灯. 在Ennis左转(停车标志). 经过Blodgett灯. TSU is on the right.

Printable Campus Map

停车许可证可从总务楼二楼的公共安全办公室获得, 位于Blodgett和Tierwester的拐角处.